por A. Rodríguez-Prieto, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, USA, UNED; A. Yanguas-Gil, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, USA; A.M. Camacho and M.A. Sebastián, UNED 12 de junio, 2018 XML
< Volver

The materials selection for Additive Manufacturing (AM) is highly dependent on the AM process that will process the material. It has been identified that there is a necessity for building robust materials selection methodologies according to the new Industry 4.0, since the volume and complexity of data have evolved rapidly, like e.g. in the development of additive manufacturing processes.

Industry 4.0 is driven by four disruptions: the big data treatment, along with the connectivity and improvements in transferring digital instructions to the physical world, as well as advanced manufacturing and robotics [1]. Particularly, advanced manufacturing relies on new technologies that enable flexibility and agility. Examples of applicable areas are bio-manufacturing, semiconductors, advanced materials, nano-manufacturing and additive manufacturing [2]. The materials selection for Additive Manufacturing (AM) is highly dependent on the AM process that will process the material [3]. Nevertheless, the most important factor to ensure firstly is the material suitability for the intended application.

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