por B. Palomo Belbel, Project Manager ASEBIO; D. Claudio Cerezo, Technician project ASEBIO 12 de junio, 2018 XML
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The new biorefinery concept, which provides the framework of this project, marks a clear step forward in that it overcomes problems arising from the generation of residues by giving them new value. Valor Plus project´s aim is to develop an integrated closed loop biorefineries, minimizing waste and generating added value products.

Over the next years, global population growth is expected to push the population of the world up to a total of 9 billion people in 2050. Such an increase, along with the rapid depletion of many resources, external energy dependence compounded by price instability, increasing pressures on the environment, as well as climate change, are all factors that make it necessary for Europe to make radical changes in how it produces, consumes, processes, stores, recycles and uses biological resources. Growing concerns about the need to reduce dependence on fossil carbon, the need to use resources more efficiently and the importance of promoting a transition towards a renewable bio-based economy has been increasingly recognized in recent years.

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