En esta sección encontrará artículos técnicos del más alto nivel científico, así como reportajes y entrevistas de los personajes más destacados del sector.

The Energy Paradigm: Technology-Environment-Economics

por Andres A. Trevino Energy Saving Technologies, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America; Manuel Bravo Energy and Environment consultant, Spain; José Coca Emeritus professor. Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Ovie 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

Energy has been the basis of economic prosperity of developing and industrialized nations in the last decades. The energy demand continues to grow steadily and replacement of fossil fuels by renewable sources is an issue for both, policy makers and the public. This transition will involve massive investments in research, technological development, and new processes.  An overview of these factors is given in this study.  Among scientific and engineering areas, Chemical Engineering will play a key role to obtain alternative liquid fuels with low CO2 emissions, in a competitive economic environment.

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How Automation and Digitalization can Help in Sustainability in Chemist and Oil&Gas Industry

por Manuel Járrega. ISA Spain steering Committee member. Innovation and Digital Cluster Leader Process Automation. Schneider Electric 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

Sustainability has become one of the biggest concern for the industry, due to their need to maintain their reputation as well as their bottom line. On other hand the stock market is is rewarding those companies that include sustainability as one of their main strategies. This challenge is particularly important for Chemist and Oil&Gas companies. For example, chemical industry is under particular pressure because it is the foundation of sustainability in many other industries like agriculture and fertilizers, housing, plastics, and pharma.

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Revisiting Thermal Safety

por Rosa Nomen and Julia Sempere. IQS School of Engineering. Ramon Llull University 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

Although the current trend in Fine and Specialty Chemistry is to gradually replace traditional semi-batch processes with Flow Chemistry processes, which are safer, cleaner, and faster, most production continues to be semi-batch. This paper is devoted to recovering the basic concepts of thermal safety of such semi-batch processes.

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Cybersecurity as a Process Risk

por S. Palumbo and A. Tomas, Tema S.A. 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

As the internet is exponentially permeating daily life and work, in parallel, different events of cyberattacks have been recorded. There is a huge challenge nowadays on how to deal with them in the industrial sectors, especially in those with an associated high risk on safety, environment or significant socio-economic impact (i.e. strategic energetic facilities, etc.).

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How to set up a Project for Handling High Potent Products under Isolator

por Javier Alonso Gómez, Industrial Engineer. General Manager of Litek Pharma; Alex García, Mechanical Designer. R&D Engineering Department. Litek Pharma; Gastón Ariel Estruch, Operations Director, Gentec Pharmaceutical Group, Pharmanoid HPAPI Site, and Gener 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

The following article is a case study. We focus on the definition of different phases of a high potent product handling project under isolator. The processes to be carried out in the isolator environment will be the weighing of products, with exposure limits of 0,01 µg/m3. During the project, we will analyse the different phases that will allow us to adequately assess the risks and select the appropriate mitigation mechanisms.

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Use of Bewat Natural Coagulants for Phosphorus Precipitation

por S. Lloret Salinas, V. Vidal Sanchis, V. Mondragón Andreu, O. Hernandis Martínez, V. Albelda i Tudó, M. Navalón Mollá (Bachelor); G. Fayos Miñana, Dr. in Pharmacy. EGEVASA; A. Boluda Ferri Industrial Technical Engineer 1 de septiembre, 2022 Artículos técnicos

This paper describes the results of the LIFE16 ENV/ES/000156 NEWEST project, which validated the use of Bewat natural coagulants derived from plant raw materials in four WWTPs in the Valencia Region, substituting the use of FeCl3 in two WWTPs with urban influent and two WWTPs with urban influent with an industrial component.

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Using Ultrasound to Enhance Energy Efficiency

por UE Systems 1 de septiembre, 2022 Reportajes

One of today’s greatest challenges for maintenance & reliability teams is to improve energy efficiency - high energy prices and global competition dictate a need to reduce energy waste and improve system efficiencies whenever possible. A major contributor to energy waste is leaks: both in compressed air systems and steam traps. Ultrasound inspection instruments can easily detect these leaks, leading to potential energy savings.

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¿Es el hidrógeno verde la respuesta a la crisis energética actual?

por Begoña Casas Sierra, profesora de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad Europea 13 de julio, 2022 Reportajes

El hidrógeno es un elemento abundante en la naturaleza (en la atmósfera o el agua) que puede ser empleado como fuente de energía. Entre sus variedades, el hidrógeno verde se obtiene aislando las moléculas de hidrógeno del agua mediante la “electrolisis” que no genera emisiones de CO2.

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