Empresas Premium
Positive growth continues in 2018 for chemical industry
According to the “Euro zone economic Outlook (March 2018)” growth in global economic activity continues to be strong, supported by a marked development in world trade. Worldwide economic growth has been broadly based, and growth prospects remain positive for advanced economies and have also improved for some emerging market economies. In Europe, the expansion in the euro area economy is set to continue, boosted by global economic activity growth and export demand. The main force behind the expansion in economic activity will be investment, driven by favorable financing conditions and still upward trending capacity utilization. With respect to the chemical industry, production in the EU chemical sector grew 2.6% from January to February 2018 compared to the same period of the previous year, with output rising in most chemicals sectors. In this context, the Spanish chemical industry gives very positive figures. Last year, chemical sector, including pharmaceuticals but not plastics and rubber products, became the second largest industry in Spain, accounting for 12.8% of manufacturing gross product. It generated value of about € 19 billion on sales. Since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2007, the chemical industry in Spain has increased sales by 27%, even as Spanish industrial production overall slumped 20%. Spain now ranks among the seven biggest chemical countries in Europe. Achema is once again a good example of the positive position of chemical sector and its important contribution to the welfare of society.
Industry 4.0
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